Embodied Health
Logo created for a mind-body practitioner treating chronic pain and resulting issues.
Michelle had been studying the human body for most of her life. A fan of the actual Grey’s Anatomy since childhood, she pursued a career in medicine. Through yoga she began exploring mind-body medicine and eventually developed a focus on the treatment of chronic pain. She started Embodied Health to help clients manage persistent pain in 2019.
The logo mark for her practice needed to create a sense of peace and comfort and a connection to nature. We settled on a color palette for the brand but decided that the conventions for the mark would utilize a range of overlay textures and colors to evolve and adapt to different needs like workshops, seasonal offerings, or events, and in this way be an emblem to the human body, itself.
Created 2019.
(From the Embodied Health website) I trust in the expression of the nervous system through the body to show us where we are stuck, and, therefore, where we can explore expanding into something new. As we restore flexibility in our nervous system, we build resiliency, find pathways to move out of threat physiology, and health emerges. I am somatically trained in Sensorimotor Psychotherapy and Somatic Experiencing and have a foundation in yoga as a Certified Yoga Therapist that informs my work as a Mind Body practitioner.
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