A line of CBD oils formulated for mothers to confront issues like postpartum depression, trouble sleeping, and low energy.
Brand and packaging concept that could scale to different varietals which would support mothers as they navigated a new, often difficult chapter in their lives. The logo mark is based on the Padma mudra which directs the flow of energy toward the heart. It is said that by performing the Padma mudra one can bring themselves from darkness to a lighter sense of being.
The brand was intended primarily for product packaging and e-commerce with potential to expand into an online community mothers at every stage would be able to turn to for information and support. The logo mark embodies this idea of support and the ability of women to lift each other up through shared experience.
Created 2019.
Having experienced postpartum depression herself and finding relief through the use of CBD oil, Mamaste was inspired by the founder’s desire to offer mothers a product that was solely focused on their needs.